
Looking Westward on Convent St, Montreal, 1940s.
Mr and Mrs. Samuels and Mr. Rockhead, Montreal, 1940s.
Birth Announcement Card.
Looking Eastward along St. Catherine St, Montreal, 1940s.
Family trip to Montreal.
Rockhead's Paradise, Montreal, 1940s.
Birth Announcement Card.
  • Montreal, Canada
  • 1940s and 1950s

Images from Aubrey J. Weeks' photo albums.

Notes: These photos are from two different times in Montreal, Canada — in the late 1940s and in 1959. Rockhead's Paradise was opened by Rufus Rockhead, a Jamaican of Maroon heritage, in Montreal in 1928 and became the most celebrated Black night club in the city. In 1959, Umi and her family took a trip with family friends to Montreal. During that trip, they visited relatives (from the Montserrat side) and their new son who lived in Montreal.
